
Can Usain Bolt Break the World Record Without Steroids?

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Sebastian Coe, the chairman of the London Organising Committee for the 2012 Olympic Games, believes that sprinter Usain “Lightning” Bolt can set another world record without the use of anabolic steroids or other prohibited substances. In what has become a modern-day witch-hunt, every amazing and/or record-breaking performance has launched speculation about the involvement of steroids. But Coe maintains that most competitive athletes who work hard and continually make progress rarely use performance-enhancing drugs.

“Usain Bolt has been around a long time working very hard. It’s far too easy simply to say, ‘They’ve made rapid and dramatic progress and therefore they’re on some kind of illegal supplement’,” said Coe. “That’s rarely the case.”

Many elite sprinters have been suspended after testing positive and/or admitting to the use of anabolic steroids including at least three men who held the title of “The World’s Fastest Man” – Ben Johnson, Justin Gatlin and Tim Montgomery.

Every since Johnson tested positive for Winstrol metabolites at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, the 100 meter race has had its fair of steroid-assisted performances. In addition to Johnson, Gatlin and Montgomery, world class sprinters such as LaShawne Merritt, Dwain Chambers, Marion Jones and Kelli White.

Sebastian Coe, who himself was a celebrated former middle distance runner, still believes in Usain Bolt. Coe won the gold medal in the 1500 meter race at the 1980 Moscow Olympics and the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. He believes that if he can set a world record without the use of steroids or other PEDs, then so can Bolt.

“I broke 12 world records and won two Olympic titles and would no more have taken any supplement than jumped off Beachy Head.” said Coe.

Gideon Bolt, the father of Usain, has predicted that his son will run a 9.4 100 meter in London this summer. Such a time approaches what experts consider as the limit to human performance. When asked about the prediction, Coe believed it was entirely possible without steroids.

Usain Bolt


Evoy, J. (March 1, 2012). Coe says Bolt can run a 9.4. Retrieved from