
Barbarella is on Steroids!

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Jane Fonda, the two-time Academy Award winning actress, admitted using the anabolic steroid testosterone in a recent interview with The Sunday Telegraph. The 73-year old actress started using testosterone to enhance her libido beginning at the age of 70. The 1960s sex symbol, who starred in Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy, raved about the benefits of testosterone for women seeking to improve their sex lives.

Fonda recently released a new book,”Prime Time: Love, health, sex, fitness, friendship, spirit–making the most of all of your life”, in which she devotes a chapter to enhancing the sexual experiences of older adults. However, the book neglected to mention the role that steroids played in Fonda’s intimate life.

The Telegraph interview was the first time Fonda publicly discussed her use of testosterone. “Here’s something I haven’t said publicly yet,” revealed Fonda. “I discovered testosterone about three years ago, which makes a huge difference if you want to remain sexual and your libido has dropped.”

Fonda recommended the use of testosterone for other women. She also described the steroid side effect that made her discontinue testosterone therapy. “I had to stop because it was giving me acne,” she admitted. “It’s one thing having plastic surgery, but it is quite another to have adolescence acne. That is going too far.”

The ability of testosterone to enhance female libido had been established several decades earlier. Yet, it is this well-known side effect that has made testosterone particularly controversial. The culturally-conservative fear of female sexuality has prevented the FDA from approving the use of testosterone for the purpose of enhancing libido in women.



Lusher, A. (August 20, 2011). Jane Fonda tells how she boosts her sex life with testosterone. Retrieved from